Classification of Sprinkler Irrigation System

Classification of Sprinkler System

It is classified whether the sprinkler heads are operated individually or as group along laterals or how they are moved or cycled to irrigate the entire field.
According to mobility, the sprinkler system may be classified as portable, semi portable and permanent.

Portable System

                It has portable main lines, lateral and pumping plant, risers and sprinkler heads. It can be moved from field to field in different settings. This type of system is placed on the field for irrigation application. After completion of irrigation it can be completely moved from the field and therefore do not provide any hindrance to farm operation. However, labor requirement increases.

Semi- Portable System

                Water course, pumping plant, main and sub mains are fixed only laterals along with risers and sprinkler heads are portable.

Permanent System

                A permanent system consists of permanently laid main, sub mains, laterals and stationary water course and pumping plant.

Solid Set System

                It remains in a single location during an irrigation season and supplied by a fixed network of pipes. This system irrigates the entire field with a single set of components and therefore more costlier than most other systems. The labor and maintenance are however minimal. They are suitable for crops requiring minimal cultural practices. Solid set System usually designed to use low flow medium pressure sprinklers. Spacing varies from 9 m×9 m to 73m×73m. Nozzle sizes can vary from 11.59 mm to 36 mm and pressure can vary from 30 psi to 85 psi.

Side Roll System

                A side roll or wheel move system has wheels mounted on the lateral pipe with length acting as the axle of the wheel A lateral length upto 400 m is rolled forward and backward by applying power at the center or at the end of while pipe remains in nearly horizontal straight line. The wheel diameter should be large enough to pass over the crop without damaging it.

Central Pivot System

                It consists of a number of sprinkler guns mounted on a trussed beam that rotates continuously around a pivot supplied with pumping unit. It is a continuous move system. A center pivot system infact comprises a single lateral. The lateral pipe with a set sprinkler is supported on a drive unit and suspended by trusses. The water is supplied from the source to the lateral through the pivot. An electric motor mounted on the drive unit rotates the lateral that is supported at the other end on wheels trailing in the field in circular track.

Rain Gun Sprinkler System

                This system comprises single gun attached to pumping system that can sprinkle at least one acre of land with one setting.

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