Physical Properties of Soil

Physical Properties of Soil

The soil properties that we can see or feel and are relatively more permanent than chemical properties are called physical properties of soil. Such properties are difficult to change. Soil physical properties include texture, structure, particle and bulk density, porosity, air and water content, consistency, colour and temperature.

Soil Texture and its Significance

                                                                   It refers to relative proportions of the three primary soil separates (sand, silt and clay).

Texture is important because it determines the ease of tilling the soil, the amount of aeration, water intake rates and water storage in the soil. It also influences soil fertility. For instance, a fine textured clayey soil is difficult to till, has poor aeration for good root growth, difficult to wet and difficult to drain but it can retain more nutrients and water. A coarse sandy soil is easy to wet, easy to drain and easy to till, has good aeration but loses more plant nutrients by leaching.

Soil Structure and its Significance

                                                                                The term structure relates to the clustering or arrangement of primary soil particles into secondary particles or units called peds or aggregates .e.g. Plate like, block like and granular.
Soils with good physical condition are important to good yield. The formation and maintenance of stable aggregates is essential features of soil tilth. The rate of water infiltration, water-holding capacity, heat transfer, aeration, porosity, and root development are greatly influenced by soil structure. For instance, both granular and single-grain soils have rapid infiltration rates, prismatic and blocky soils had medium rates and platy and massive soil conditions have slow infiltration rates.
Aggregated soil is generally the most desirable condition for plant growth, particularly in the critical early stages of germination and seedling establishment. The continued existence of large pores in the soil depends on the stability of the aggregates.

Particle Density

                                It refers to the ratio of total mass of the solid particles to their total volume excluding pore spaces. In technical work, its units are mega grams per cubic meter (Mg/m3) or grams per cubic centimetre (g/cm3) or kilo grams per cubic meter (Kg/m3).
Particle density for most mineral soils usually varies between 2.60 and 2.70 Mg/m3. However, the standard value used in calculations is 2.65 Mg/m3 if actual particle density is not known.

Bulk Density and its Significance

                                                                                It is defined as the mass of dry soil solids per unit bulk volume. Bulk volume means the volume of the soil particles plus pore space. So the density for a volume of soil as it exists naturally is called bulk density. The value is expressed in Mg/m3 or g/cm3 or Mg/m3.

The bulk density of soil is used for estimating the mass of a volume of a soil too large to weigh. For example, the average weight of soil for a hectare or ace area per unit depth is calculated by multiplying the soil volume by its bulk density.
It is needed for converting water percentage by weight to content by volume.
It is also used for calculating porosity when the particle density is known.
It can indicate the differences in compaction of a given soil resulting from heavy tillage equipment on wet clayey soil.
Plant roots of field crops are hindered by soil high in bulk density to varying degree.

Pore Space and its Significance

                                                                                The pore space of a soil is the portion of soil bulk volume occupied by soil pores. It consists of that portion of the soil volume not occupied by solids either mineral or organic.

The micro pores are generally filled with water in a moist soil and there is slow movement of air and water into or out of the soil. On the other hand, the macro pores allow the ready movement of water and air thus the movement of water and air through a sandy soil is rapid due to the dominance of the macro pores even though porosity is relatively lower. Clayey soils, particularly those without good structure allow relatively slow air and water movements despite having large total pore space. In these soils dominating micro-pores generally remain full of water. However, improvement in structure can promote aeration by increasing the proportion of macro-pores. Therefore, the pore size distribution is more important rather than the volume of total pore space.

Soil Aeration and its Significance

                                                                                It is the process by which air in the soil is replaced by air from the atmosphere. The rate of aeration depends mainly on the volume and continuity of air-filled pores within the soil.

In a well-aerated soil, the soil air is very similar in composition to the atmospheric air above the soil. However, poorly aerated soils generally contain a much higher percentage of CO2 and a correspondingly lower percentage of O2 than the atmospheric air above the soil.

Soil air is different from atmospheric air as it has lower oxygen content (14-20%) and relative humidity (95-99%). Plant roots and micro-organisms take oxygen from soil air and release carbon dioxide into it.

The oxygen contents are the most important for plant growth as are needed for respiration. Except rice, most plants need oxygen to be present in the pores where roots are growing. So the rate at which soil oxygen exchanges with atmospheric oxygen (Oxygen Diffusion Rate) is important.
Organic matter decomposition by soil microorganisms also uses oxygen in soil, when  there is little oxygen in soil anaerobes start working and anaerobic microorganisms produce gases (other than CO2) such as nitrous oxide, methane and hydrogen sulphide. These gases are harmful and source of pollution.


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