
Showing posts from February, 2015

Physical Properties of Soil

Physical Properties of Soil The soil properties that we can see or feel and are relatively more permanent than chemical properties are called physical properties of soil. Such properties are difficult to change. Soil physical properties include texture, structure, particle and bulk density, porosity, air and water content, consistency, colour and temperature. Soil Texture and its Significance                                                                    It refers to relative proportions of the three primary soil separates (sand, silt and clay). Texture is important because it determines the ease of tilling the soil, the amount of aeration, water intake rates and water storage in the soil. It also influences soil fertility. For instance, a fine textured clayey soil is difficult to till, has poor aeration for good root growth, difficult to wet and difficult to drain but it can retain more nutrients and water. A coarse sandy soil is easy to wet, easy to drain and easy t

Soil Water

Soil Water The availability of water in soil is essential for plant growth. It is also essential to microorganisms that grow in soil and decompose organic matter. It is important in the weathering process which involves the breakdown of rocks and minerals to form soil and release plant nutrients. Water is the solvent that together with the dissolved nutrients make up the solution from which plants absorb nutrients mainly through the roots. Soil water can provide control over both soil air and soil temperature. Water is generally held in the soil by micro pores. The force of gravity causes water to move downward through the soil particularly in the larger pores. Soil Water Potential                                                 The difference between the free energy of soil water and that of pure free water in a standard reference state is known as soil water potential. The soil water potential can be expressed in bars, atmosphere or Kilo Pascals. Soil Water Cla