Significance of Organic Matter

Significance of Organic Matter

Organic matter is a source of nutrients like N, P and S for plants.
Organic matter affects both the physical and chemical properties of the soil and its overall health.
It increases water infiltration in soil.
It increases water holding capacity. Organic matter can hold 20 times moisture of its weight.
Organic matter may bind pesticides making them less active and reduce the risk of pollution.
Organic matter enhances the biological activity of soil, therefore crop health and vigor is improved.
It increases cation exchange capacity and thus nutrient holding capacity of soil.
It chelates (binds) nutrients and thus improves their availability.
It is a source of energy for soil microorganisms.
It buffers changes in pH.
It improves physical condition of soil.
It gives dark color to soil and so influences soil temperature.
Organic matter is source of growth-promoting substances for plants.

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